Thursday, 21 February 2013

My Friends Are All Adults, I'm Still A Teenage Girl.

I first came across these guys a while back, when watching an episode of the hit series 'Girls'. They were playing over the end credits, and usually I don't wait around after a show finishes but the tune got to me. After frantically typing the lyrics into google to trace these guys down (does anyone else do that?), I listened to all their stuff (that I could find) and honestly, I'm hooked.

The Echo Friendly are an atmospheric duet, on-again-off-again couple, from Brooklyn, New York. They really create an ambiance in their music, their method seems pretty simple and their stuff is completely relatable. The husky lead vocals of Jake are perfectly complimented by his female counter part, Shannon. They are light and airy, and they provoke nostalgia in me.

I think you'll dig it!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Winner Announcement!

Hey everybody! Sorry for being a negligent blogger lately, been a very busy bee.

As promised, I am here to announce the winner of my give away for a pair of Viabloomfield Boutique Shoes - the winner gets to choose between either Batman or Wonder Woman!

Thanks so much to everyone that entered and spread the word, its been fun! As this is my first ever give away, its quite exciting. But, I promise that there will be many more to follow to celebrate blog milestones...assuming of course that I reach them ha.

Any way, with out further adieu....*drum roll*...

And the winner is.... Racheal Martin! Congratulations Rachael! An email will be coming your way tonight.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Will be back soon with some proper updates. Happy weekend folks.